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Belarusian artist, professor, holder of the order of Francis Skorina and the title of National Artist of Belarus


     On April 27, 1930, May Volfovich was born. Ten-year-old May even managed to finish 5 classes of a music school. He would study further. Perhaps he would have become a musician ... But the war began. And the little violin remained hanging on the wall of their pre-war apartment in the Meisels house in burning Minsk in early June 1941.

     The 11-year-old Have a war owes his life to drawing. During the evacuation, his family experienced a terrible famine, sometimes it saved what he painted for the factories in Ulyanovsk signs and slogans for the holidays - for this they gave clothes and food. Post-war life gradually entered its rut. He studied at the 42nd high school, and when he finished 8 classes, it turned out that the choice of a future profession was made a long time ago.


In 1952, Mai Danzig graduated from high school and in the same year went to Moscow to continue his studies at a higher educational institution. In 1958 he graduated from the Moscow State Academic Art Institute. V.I. Surikova. May Danzig was enrolled in an international art studio. The artist’s archive has a series of drawings-portraits of festival participants from different countries, made by the hand of student, but already a master. The future artist was even in the youth football team. At 84, he tried to keep fit: did exercises.


Military theme

      The Great Patriotic War fell from the sky with high-explosive bombs, sunk into the soul with a howl of sirens and explosions of anti-aircraft shells, the fires of fire and charred corpses in the streets remained in my memory.

     These impressions shocked the children's soul, philosophically rethought by the artist over the years, formed the basis of many of his paintings on the war.

      Which of the artists in his work addressed the theme of the war! But in art, it is very important is not so much the discovery of new themes as a new look at the topic of already known ones. The paintings of May Dancig dedicated to the war, this is unusual And non-traditional.

      Theme of War In the works of May Dancig reveals a bright, imaginative, inspirational. And despite the fact that the war is Always grief, death, violence, cruelty, The main distinguishing feature of these works is their life-affirming Beginning. And not geta quality - the indestructible Thirst for life - helped our people to receive the greatest victory in the history of mankind, the 75th anniversary of which the whole world celebrates this year.

Minsk in the works of May Danzig

     May Dancig began to write Minsk immediately after the war, without suspecting that he was writing not just sketches, but a living story that was reborn from the ashes of the city.

     The most important place in the work of M. Dancig is occupied by the urban landscape, the nature of which was served by the most interesting, significant and picturesque places of the Belarusian capital. Therefore, it is natural that he was called a portrait painter of Minsk. Throughout his life, the artist painted urban landscapes.

     “I was born in Minsk,” said May Volfovich, “and since childhood I have loved his unique and hectic life.” Here my path to art began, here it continues. Everyday life of my native home attracts with its unusual beauty. Here you feel with extreme acuity the age and the boiling life of the country.


     The artist found the charm, it would seem, in the simplest and most familiar - ordinary new buildings, modern streets. All this appears in Dancig's paintings in precisely calibrated, sometimes sharp and strict forms. The world depicted by the master seems to us reasonable and durable. In the ground of urban landscapes of Dancig, as in his other paintings, lies a courageous and optimistic worldview.


     For almost 30 years, there has been a museum of local lore in our gymnasium, one of the activities of which is the annals of our native school. After a call, the employees of our local history museum went to the workshop of the artist Dancig May Volfovich. He was very pleased that we came and were interested in his father, grandfather. His father was also an artist. One of the paintings by Wolf Herzavich is in the workshop of May Wolfovich. Our new friend clearly has the genes of his father.


      May Volfovich told us about his famous father, who was not only a physical education teacher in our pre-war 25th school in Minsk, but also famous athletes. And in the printing house of grandfather May Volfovich Hertz, the first issue of the newspaper Zvezda was published, which will soon be 103 years old!


      May Volfovich took out a book in red binding A.V. Myasnikov's "In the struggle for October in Belarus and on the Western Front" and confirmed his words by the memoirs of the famous revolutionary A. Myasnikov until the day of the first anniversary of the newspaper Zvyazda about the preparation and release of the first issue of the newspaper. "The search for the printing house began. Many printing houses were horrified to lock ourselves ... But now we got to our last Nadezhda, to the old printing house with electric machines, which once produced the famous monarchist" North-Western Territory ", the good-natured old man, the Jew Danzig. .. "Star" ascended on July 27 and scattered across Minsk and the front in 3 thousand rays. "


      So, the first issue of the newspaper "Zvyazda" was printed in a small grandfather's printing house on the corner of Nemiga and Bogadelnaya "(Bagadelnaya street, now it is Komsomolskaya street).


Diploma for the best work
Certificate of Honored Artist
Certificate of Professor
Certificate of the Order of Francis Skorina

Folk Historical Museum of Local Lore "Inexhaustible Source of History"

Gymnasium official website
Posted by: Belous Mary

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